
Dynamic Media for Personalized Museum Experience. AI-powered personalized museum experience platform, enhancing visitor engagement through dynamic media and curatorial collaboration.



Project Type

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Service Design


AI Integration in Design

User-Centered Design

User Research &
Audience Segmentation


Michael Egli
(Swiss Institute for Art Research SIK-ISEA)

Key challenge

Creating a more personalized, engaging, and context-rich museum experience for diverse audiences.
Museums traditionally rely on static communication methods that often fail to engage all visitors meaningfully. The challenge was to design a tool that allows curators to tailor the museum experience to individual visitors’ needs and interests.


Reliq is a digital solution that enhances museum experiences through two tools:

Visitor Application

The visitor app offers personalized content based on individual interests, guiding visitors with tailored information and interactive stories during their museum visit.

Curatorial Platform

The curatorial platform helps curators easily share their knowledge, creating custom content that is delivered directly to the visitor app.

The User Flow

My client satisfaction rate exceeds 95%, highlighting my photography's excellence.




Tailoring process

Select Pathway

Guided Exploration

Independent Exploration

The visitor is introduced to the app and its purpose, encouraging them to explore rich museum narratives.


The project began with a critical exploration of the current interactions and knowledge dissemination practices in museums. I questioned how art is experienced and understood by visitors, aiming to bridge the gap between curatorial knowledge and audience engagement through innovative, dynamic media solutions.

Key Challenges

Static Communication

Traditional methods like catalogs and plaques are not effective in conveying curatorial knowledge dynamically.

Knowledge Accessibility

Curatorial insights and research are often hidden and not easily accessible to visitors during their museum experience.

Visitor Engagement

Museums often struggle to engage diverse visitor profiles with varying levels of knowledge and interes


Creating a personalized and interactive experience for each visitor that can cater to their individual motivations and interests

The User Flow

My client satisfaction rate exceeds 95%, highlighting my photography's excellence.


Connect Exhibition

Exhibition Canvas

Connect Artworks

Add Media Library


Independent Exploration

The visitor is introduced to the app and its purpose, encouraging them to explore rich museum narratives.